I actually have a very scary story about how Solo and Ensemble went. The night before Solo and Ensemble I had a basketball game but before the game I was working on the score to give the judge so he could give me a grade on the music, but I set it down and then forgot it!! Yeah kinda scary but anyway so I go to solo and ensemble but in stead of playing my original piece I had to sight read a performance and get this I still got the highest rating!!!! I still got a 1!!!! I was really excited and everybody kept congratulating me and all I could do was thank God for giving me the courage to play something completely different and still do great. Do any of you have any scary situations where you didn't think that you were going to do good at all and then you found out you did awesome if you have stories please share them with me! Well I have to start practicing what I am going to play at states, oh, and I wont forget my music this time!!!