Well this is where it starts, my blogging life starts now! This site will feature fun stuff about music, my trumpet and my wonderful family. Well as you already know the title of this blog is The Trumpeters Tune and it is called that because of my love for music and playing the trumpet in general. Many people would describe me as a band geek and as much as I hate to admit it I probably am. One thing that I love about being a band geek is that when I start using musical terms around my mom; who sadly to say was not gifted with music,she gets so confused and it is really funny to try and hold a conversation with her about anything musical. If there are other people that are "band geeks" out there they probably agree with me when I say that talking with a musically deprived individual about music is quite fun. Well here is some stuff about me, I am a freshman and I attend a school in northern Michigan where I sit first chair in a band over two other trumpeters. Our band is about 23 people large and don't let our size fool you when we play it is awesome. But there are always those people in a class who's whole purpose in band is to fool around and talk the whole hour which by the way can get really annoying after a while. I love my trumpet it was a gift from my mom for Christmas I loved it. There are pictures of it at the top. I am very curious to here your thoughts on instruments you play, favorite pieces of music,or anything musical in general. If you are interested in any music camps or attend any you should consider attending cornerstone university's music camp. It is a christian camp that has very smart and nice people and you learn so much about music theory and how to play right. It is especially fun for brass instruments cause they have an awesome brass group.
Hey, great looking blog Chris. I look forward to you updates, and I'll keep reading!
I love my brother!! :) I think you should play the Hummel Trumpet Concerto. I will post pics of my trumpet on my xanga so you can see my trumpet too! Not like you don't know what it looks like or anything. :) I'll check your blog often! Love ya- my brotha from the same matha!!
Hey Chris,
Great job on the site...I really miss going to Solo & Ensemble, so make sure to have as much fun there as you can!!! Hopefully I'll see you on Sunday...
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